Our Programs

Menu Plan Program

For customers who prefer to cook their own food at home, Regime’s Menu Plan Program is right for them. It teaches them how to prepare their healthy meals with the right ingredients and portions.

An initial consultation with one of your dieticians and the body composition analysis test are required to start the MPP to ensure that the plan is personalized based on your needs, requirements, and weight loss goal.

Daily menus of food items that you like which can be cooked at home with precise measurements will be given to you to get started. The duration of this program varies depending on each individual’s case and weight loss goal.

Your MPP comes with weekly follow up visits with your dietician to:
  • Monitor and chart your progress.
  • Reassess your body analysis.
  • Provide you with helpful information.
  • Make any necessary changes to your diet plan.
  • Address any challenges or concerns you may have.
  • Help with menu planning.
  • Offer diet tips and techniques.


Diet Tips

  • Drink enough water and start your day with a cup. Our bodies consist mostly of water and requires between 1 and 2 liters of water each day so make sure to drink 8 to 10 cups of water daily.
  • Be physically active and incorporate exercise into your daily routines.
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